Hre hidraulic trains young mexicans in the context of the “Training without frontiers” programme
A group of young people from basque companies operating in Mexico are taking part in a special training programme at Lea Artibai Ikastetxea, in Markina. They are here taking part in a collaboration agreement signed between the Government of the Mexican state of Guanajuato, the Institute of Higher Education and private industry with Tknika – the Basque Country’s Centre for Research and Applied Innovation in Vocational Training – for them to take part in this programme, which prepares trainees to meet the demands of Industry 4.0.
HRE Hidraulic has given a training course on Proportional Hydraulics, technology for position, speed and force control in hydraulic actuators used in machine tools.
The Lea Artibai Ikastetxea institute has organised the course. It has taken place in its facilities, given by specialised personnel from HRE Hidraulic, using the didactic equipment of our brand available in the centre.
After 320 hours of theoretical training, the trainees will start their internship at the Basque companies CIE Automotive and Elay, which have plants in Mexico.