As it could not be otherwise, this year we have also been present in the different activities for the commemoration of World Energy Saving Day, which was celebrated on 21 October 2023.
In line with the values of HRE Automation, Circular Economy and Green Design and Manufacturing, and thanks among other applications to the implementation of our energy efficiency system, we have continued to make progress in reducing the carbon footprint and electricity consumption of our customers by between 35% and 50%.
Having started the different programmes in 2016 and to date, we have managed to save a total of 5.84 GW/h, which is the same as 5,840,000 KW/h for our customers. This means that more than 2,700 tonnes of CO₂ have been saved from being emitted into the atmosphere.
This value is equivalent to the planting of 16,225 trees, which would be necessary to absorb the carbon dioxide saved by our processes. With a standard density of 200 trees per hectare, we save the space that would occupy more than 81 hectares, which is 810,000 m².
Looking at it another way, now that olive oil is almost prohibitively expensive:
If we consider that one hectare of olive tree cultivation yields about 5,000 kg of olives, with these 81 hectares saved we could obtain about 405,000 kg of olives, which would be equivalent to about 81,000 L of EVOO. The equivalent of the annual oil consumption of 12,000 people. Surprised?