
Our manager Esther Velasco was part of Ekingune association as co-founding partner, president, manager, jury of the awards, etc.during some years, and now a change of scenario has taken place.

On November 1st it was her turn to present the project Manex Digital Expert Maintenance at the IX. Edition of OnEkin representing HRE Hidraulic and winning the first prize!

OnEkin is a competition of ideas and business projects organised by the association Ekingune. The aim is to stimulate and encourage creativity and support initiatives of individuals/companies, through the development of projects/ideas that include business concepts that are likely to achieve success.

We are very proud to be able to win this edition with our project and we would like to congratulate all the participants: Miguel Loitxate with Eramateko, Medori, Bali Sport Center and Xabier Alzaga from DANOBATGROUP for inspiring us. And of course, a thousand thanks to Ekingune Elkartea for continuing to be there supporting entrepreneurship in the region. Finally, thanks to all our collaborators and those who support us in this project: Gipuzkoako foru aldundia, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, Grupo SPRI, BIC Gipuzkoa, DEBEGESA Agencia de Desarrollo de Debabarrena, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, DigiTalentu, Kentu for the IIoT and of course the whole HRE Hidraulic team.