Our partner, SKF, named GM supplier of the year

We have been working since 1999 with the German multinational Willy Vogel AG, entirely focused on Centralised Greasing Systems for Machine Tools, industrial machinery, and the Mobile sector. In 2007, SKF bought WILLY VOGEL and became part of the Group in every way. HRE Hidraulic has continued to work with this Group on different systems and projects. After 21 years, during which they have fully trusted us as a distributor and their clients have trusted SKF, the time has come to reward the excellent work done.

The German company was named GM Supplier of the Year by General Motors during a virtual ceremony honouring the 28th annual Supplier of the Year award on 24 June 2020. During the event, GM recognised 116 of its top suppliers from 15 countries who have consistently exceeded GM’s expectations, created exceptional value, or introduced innovations to the company.

At HRE Hidraulic, we are delighted and proud to be part of this great company. Congratulations on the recognition!!